Gyms and other indoor physical activity facilities that require membership or are otherwise controlled (such as through ticketing, fees, registration) except those for exclusive use by residents of the premises. Gyms are not public facilities
  • Your business can open without capacity limits.
  • For indoor facilities, it is recommended you maintain a capacity limit of 500 or based on 1 metre distancing per defined space (whichever is greater).
  • Face masks encouraged indoors when not exercising.
  • Customer-facing workers must wear a medical-grade face mask indoors (unless the worker is exempt).

We will limit the numbers in Reception, so please, if you can drop your child with their teacher and collect them later, to make sure we have plenty of space for our teachers and students to stay socially distanced. We understand that for the younger children or anxious children this will not be possible, so if you are in the studio, please stay 1m apart from each other and keep masks on.

There will be hand sanitiser available, and we encourage you to sanitise your hands when entering and leaving the studios.

We will keep up to date rolls so it is very important that you book into classes.

We will be following best practise guidelines in regards to sanitising and cleaning the studios.